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Many thanks to the donors – by Claus-Peter Reisch

Claus-Peter Reisch – Hilfe für Menschen in Not gGmbH and Help Children Foundation would like to thank all donors who have contributed to this wonderful classroom on wheels. The children are happy that they have the opportunity to learn Turkish so that they can then integrate into the Turkish school.

A lot of good is being done here for the future of these children. – Thank you very much!

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Appeal for donations – Benefit event for Back to School – The rolling classroom

Report in the Landsberger Tagblatt: Claus-Peter Reisch – Hilfe für Menschen in Not gGmbH is organizing a charity event with Günter Grünwald on 21 March 2024 at 19:00 in the Schlossberghalle in Starnberg.
The donations will all go to the project Back to School – The rolling classroom – buses that are converted for teaching purposes for refugee and camp children who would otherwise have no opportunity to integrate into the Turkish school system.

Donations can also be made to the Help Children Foundation, which fully supports the project. On the one hand, new buses need to be equipped to reach more children, and on the other hand, running costs such as fuel costs and salaries for Turkish-Syrian teachers who can introduce the children to Turkish schools need to be covered. The project looks small at first, but can have a huge impact if the children who are already attending a Turkish school then teach their families and friends, so that more and more children from camps can become ready for school. As a wise man once said: a great journey begins with a single step.

And here they are: The first steps: Donate and become part of it! Thank you!

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Claus-Peter Reisch – Homepage

Article in the Landsberger Tagblatt Online:

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November 2023: Visit to the center of Perspektive Senegal

In November 2023, Lea Fall once again visited the Perspektive Senegal residential and training center. The center is located in Deni Biram, a small village near the capital Dakar. The former street children grow up here in a family community and can train as shoemakers, carpenters or metalworkers in the workshops.

Due to the sharp rise in prices for food and salaries, the financial requirements in 2023 were particularly high. Thanks to the financial support of the Help Children Foundation, together with other partners and donors, the increased financial requirements for food and salaries in 2023 could be covered. This made it possible to provide ongoing care for the 26 former street children.

Last year, the focus was on maintaining and renovating the facilities. The boys’ home, built in 2009, was partly in a pitiful state as it had never been renovated. With the financial support of the Help Children Foundation, all rooms and corridors in the boys’ dormitory were renovated so that they now shine in vibrant colors. The boys were involved in the color selection process by being allowed to choose their preferred colors.

Further donations will be used to renovate the entire exterior façade and replace the faulty electrics in the coming year. The restoration of the building also symbolizes the possible inner restoration of the mentally and physically injured former street children.

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Back to School – A 2nd rolling classroom is on its way!

The second rolling classroom was put into operation on December 18, 2023. Around 90 children in six classes now attend the preparatory lessons and around 150 children attend kindergarten. The project was launched by the organization Claus-Peter Reisch – Hilfe für Menschen in Not gGmbH in partnership with IMECE with the aim of enabling as many of these forgotten Syrian children as possible to attend school and thus open up new prospects for the future. In this project, the Help Children Foundation supports both the purchase and conversion of the buses as well as the ongoing operation of the school and kindergarten.

The 2nd rolling classroom from the inside:

The children are concentrated and enthusiastic during the lessons. The children love to learn! Any child who is not encouraged cannot develop their full potential as an adult. That is why it is so important to do everything we can to ensure that children can learn! And that is what Help Children Foundation stands for – so that children can learn and develop!

Lale – Tulip – Maybe the first word you learn in Turkish language 🙂

Full house in the bus!

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School in Khirbet Amoud, Syrien

The school in Khirbet Amoud, Syria, which was founded by the kids to life foundation in 2017, has grown considerably. It now offers lessons for 600 children, all of whom come from war zones and are scarred by the horrors of war. The school gives them back a sense of normality, provides them with security and opens up future prospects.

It is an area that has been badly affected by the war. Just a few months ago, bombs struck near the school, which underlines the urgency and courage of this project. Aynur Gündüz puts it in a nutshell: “Besides humanitarian aid, education is the most important thing for these communities. If the children do not receive an education, the families lose hope and leave their homes. With our school, we offer stability and lay the foundation for the reconstruction of the region in the future. Thanks to the help and support of the Help Children Foundation, we can carry out the projects in a planned and safe manner. Thank you very much for that.”

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Success! Back to School – The first children start school

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The first children from the “rolling classroom” are enrolled in a regular Turkish school. Claus-Peter Reisch reports this wonderful news to Help Children Foundation and is filled with happiness. This gives him full motivation to convert a second bus into a rolling classroom. It is so important, says Claus-Peter Reisch, that the children are given prospects for the future. He thanks the Help Children Foundation for their excellent support.

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kids to life-Center Gaziantep, Turkey

The kids-to-life center in the slums of Gaziantep is developing well. It has now become a safe haven for 60 Syrian children, all of whom live in precarious conditions in the slums. The children are often sent out onto the streets to beg or collect garbage. For many of these children, a visit to the center is the first time they feel safe, seen and valued. Here they are not only fed, but also prepared for school. They receive education, support and, above all, hope. The Help Children Foundation also supports this project to the best of its ability.

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Classroom on wheels for Syrian refugee children in Turkey

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The first rolling classroom was launched in February 2023. The project was mainly implemented by Claus Peter Reisch – Hilfe für Menschen in Not gGmbH in cooperation with IMECE. The converted coach visits Syrian refugee children in Turkey and offers them preparation for regular school lessons. This means that around 45 children of primary school age can look forward to their daily lessons. The lessons prepare the Syrian children for admission to Turkish elementary school. In addition to a primary school teacher, there are also two teachers on board. They look after around 80 children of kindergarten and pre-school age every day. The children can develop their creativity and are introduced to learning activities in a playful way. The bus project was implemented with strong support from the Help Children Foundation.

Video: The creation of a “rolling classroom”:

Interior design of a “rolling classroom”

Teaching in full swing

How wonderful it is when the children are eager to learn with joy!

The children live with their families in temporary camps, usually on the outskirts of a Turkish village. As most of the refugee children have never attended school and hardly speak any Turkish, they cannot make the transition to local schools without help. In prior consultation with the mayor and principal of the village, the Imece bus takes on this important task. Over 50 children have already successfully started school in just a few months. They can finally go to school like all the other children and look forward to a better future in their new home.

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Feb. 2023: Humanitarian aid for orphans after the earthquake in Turkey

After a severe earthquake caused massive damage in the Turkish-Syrian border region on 6 February, kids to life organized aid deliveries to the region. The focus was on the 1,116 orphans, many of whom had already been orphaned by the war and were now doubly affected by the earthquake. Some of them found refuge with relatives, while others lived in orphanages that were destroyed by the quake. The Help Children Foundation supported these important aid deliveries from the kids to life foundation.

The relief efforts took place from February to April 2023, with the aim of securing the care of these children and providing them with much-needed support and hope during this dark time.

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Help Children Foundation supports the organization of
Claus-Peter Reisch – Help for People in Need gGmbH
in setting up an educational project in the Syrian refugee camp
Summer 2022

Back to School – A strong education project for the forgotten Syrian refugee children in Turkey.

Around 150,000 Syrians live in temporary “settlements” on the Turkish Mediterranean coast. Of these, around 113,000 are women and children. The care situation is dramatic, they fall through all the cracks and for the most part receive no official support.

Help Children Foundation supports the organization Claus-Peter Reisch – Hilfe für Menschen in Not gGmbH, which, together with its partners Landsaid e.V. and IMECE, will bring around 400 Syrian refugee children closer to school over the next three years.

These children have never seen a kindergarten or a school in their life of hardship, as most of their parents can only speak and write Arabic. As a result, they have virtually no chance of attending regular classes.

We want to change this in order to give these children a chance for the future, and with your and our support, a disused coach will be converted into a rolling classroom, equipped and maintained.

You are welcome to participate and support the bus by specifying the keyword “school bus” with your donation, which will be handed over by Help Children Foundation.

Here are some pictures of school lessons already taking place:

Help Children Foundation supports Lands Aid together with Three Musketeers and sea rescuer Claus-Peter Reisch, November 2021

This relief action mainly affects refugee camps around the city of Izmir in Turkey. There are many unofficial camps of mostly Syrian women with children who have settled in self-erected camps. Although they are tolerated, they receive no state aid whatsoever, and have neither work nor money.

Help Children Foundation has helped fund stoves, food and hygiene items so that the families in the tents are provided with the bare necessities and have a heat source in the tent that can keep them reasonably warm over the winter.

Aid packages for Syrian refugee children April 2021

In April 2021, survival kits were again distributed in refugee camps around Idlib and Aleppo in cooperation with kids to life. The packages contain basic food and warm blankets, toys and learning materials for the children, as well as masks and hygiene items that are urgently needed in the camps.

It was again a great pleasure for us to have the aid arrive and distribute it so directly, even if the situation in the camps is anything but pleasant. But the children and their families are happy about any help that is given to them.

Below are some pictures from this campaign:

In addition, a school project was founded and support was provided for this, such as classrooms, learning materials and school equipment for the lessons and the children.

It addresses one of the biggest problems that the camp children don’t receive any schooling and thus a lost generation is formed. This lost generation is of course very receptive to being used as soldiers later on, since otherwise they have almost no future prospects without education. That is why school education is so important for the children.

Some impressions from this project as well:

Aid packages for Syrian refugee children April 2020

In cooperation with kids to life, survival packages have again been distributed in refugee camps around Idlib and Aleppo. As always, the packages contained basic food and warm blankets, toys and learning materials for the children, as well as masks and hygiene items to contain the pandemic situation, especially in the camps.

The aid packages were received with great gratitude and joy.
Help Children Foundation is happy about every donation that goes directly to the children and their families.

Below are some impressions of the distribution campaigns:

News from the project Senegal

At PERSPECTIVE SENEGAL work goes on, despite school closures and curfew. Like all schools in Senegal, the school in Ziuguinchor, in southern Senegal, has had to close its doors since March 14th 2020. In order to further encourage the children, the teachers visit them in their villages and teach outdoors in small groups. The children are very happy that they can continue to take part in the lessons and also get their usual lunch.

The day care center in Keur Massar is also currently not allowed to welcome street children on its premises. That is why the distribution of food, treatment of wounds and registration of the children now takes place on the streets. Many of the street children are unsure about the current situation, they hardly get any money from begging and are also worried about the virus that is being talked about everywhere. More than ever, the day care center has become a place of refuge and many children want to be admitted to the residential and educational center. Part of the center has already been set up as a quarantine station to facilitate the reception of these children. Abraham is busy with the registration and application process so hopefully these children can move into their new homes soon.

Help Children Foundation – Help that arrives

We wish all donors and supporters of
the Help Children Foundation
a Merry Christmas and
a happy and peaceful New Year 2020

Article from the club magazine of kids to life:

Translation of the German text:

At this point we would like to express our very special thanks to Help Children Foundation. It has been actively supporting us in our international work since 2014 and is what makes many of our projects possible in the first place.
The initiators of the Help Children Foundation, Eleonore and Gabriel Sachs and Lea Vuceljic have set themselves the goal of helping children in extreme poverty and giving them a perspective for a hopeful future.
To achieve this, they work tirelessly and with a personal commitment that never fails to impress us. We appreciate the Help Children Foundation as a reliable, constant partner and thank them very much for the good cooperation.

kids to life magazine

Flyer accompanying the exhibition:

Visiting Perspective Senegal

Lea and Abraham in front of the daycare

In March 2019, Lea visited the Perspektive Senegal project near Dakar, Senegal. Together with the head of the center, she first visited the daycare center in Keur Massar. The day care center serves as a contact point for street children and offers them a safe haven. They can simply be children there and take part in the playful activities. Abraham, who runs the day care center, gave us an insight into his work with the children. In addition to the games, he tries to raise their awareness of important topics, such as hygiene to prevent illness and safe behavior in traffic. Children with open wounds or illnesses are treated by Abraham and his colleague Tony and they offer them a sympathetic ear for their worries and problems. The day care center opened in September last year and has already become an important part of the lives of street children in the Keur Massar area. Help Children Foundation supports this Center to help the Children to get out of bad situations and to provide education and food and a new perspective in life.

Lea and Abraham in front of the daycare

Next, it was about 15 km to the residential and training center of the Senegal perspective. The children who visit the day care center can be accommodated here and receive a sheltered home and future prospects. On the premises there is a football field, vegetable garden and various workshops.

The residential and training center

Workshop at the cobbler’s shop

In addition to basic school education, the children can also attend numerous workshops and have some lessons here. Soon, a tailor shop will be added to the cobbler’s shop, carpentry and locksmith workshops. So the children can pursue their interests according to their desired profession. There are common meals every day and there is a very familiar atmosphere. Some of the former street children have recently completed training at the center and are being accompanied externally. In this way, more children can be admitted and receive a sheltered home in the center with new perspectives for the future.

Support for the St. Josefs Indianer Hilfswerk e.V.

The Help Children Foundation supports the St. Josefs Indian Relief Organization e.V. in Frankfurt am Main, which in turn supports the St. Josefs Indian School in Chamberlain, South Dakota with donations from Germany. The task of the St. Josephs Indian School is to provide for the basic care of the Lakota Indian children and the spiritual, emotional and educational development of each child, respecting their culture and traditions. More than 200 Lakota children receive schooling, accommodation, clothing, food and medical care every year – all at no cost to their families.

For donations intended directly for the St. Josefs Hilfswerk, please leave the note “St. Josefs Hilfswerk” on the donation transfer. Many many thanks.

More information can be found at:


With the support of the Help Children Foundation, kids to life has once again been able to deliver numerous relief packages to needy children and their families in Syria.
The help provided in the meantime ensures the survival of thousands of children and is also psychologically important: the children do not feel abandoned by the rest of the world.
In late 2017 and March 2018, kids to life brought a total of 4,000 food and clothing aid packages to the children and their families. The Help Children Foundation was again able to contribute to aid deliveries this year. Furthermore, the representative of kids to life, Ms. Ayunur again distributed an aid delivery in December 2018 on site.

We thank all donors for helping needy children
and wish you all a Merry Christmas
and a good and successful year 2019

Tollwood Winter 2018

Unfortunately, we are not represented at the Winter Festival this year.

Nevertheless, we would be very happy if you continue to support our projects this year. We wish all our donors a happy end to the year and thank you on behalf of the children for all your support and help. Thank you.

Tollwood Summer 2018

We are present from 27. June until 4. July.

Each cent of the products sold is 100% invested into HELP CHILDREN FOUNDATION’s aid projects. Please support the HELP CHILDREN FOUNDATION projects.

Thank you very much

Here are some pictures from the actual booth:

10th Africa Days in Munich

It’s finally here again:
Help Children Foundation attends the 10th Africa Days.

We look forward to many visits to our stand
from the 14th to the 17th of June 2018

Thank you in the name of children in need

The Help Children Foundation would like to thank all donors who have made it possible to deliver and distribute relief packages in collaboration with kids to life.

We continue to work on the care of needy children and wish all donors all the best for the year 2018.

Thank you very much!

A moment of joy in a Syrian orphanage

Help packages for Syrian children in refugee camps and orphanages together with kids to life 2017

Many thanks to all donors who make these actions possible

Project: Day care center for street children in Dakar / Senegal

In Senegal, many children are given to Marabuts as a student (Talibé). Often they come to a profiteering Marabut and are forcefully pressured to beg, or they flee to the street.

Perspective Senegal offers escaped and abused Talibés a safe haven and a chance to live a normal life. In the training and residential center they learn to process their trauma and to develop confidence again. In addition to a basic education, they can follow a carpenter’s training, which opens up new perspectives for the future. The Help Children Foundation supports the creation of a day trip in Dakar to get more children off the road.

Project: Help Children Foundation & kids to life

In war and crisis areas such as Syria or Turkey, the distribution of over 2,000 survivors’ pensions to children in need is annually one of the main pillars of foundations. Various educational projects and the targeted support of children’s children are further important projects of the international help of kids to life. The Help Children Foundation regularly supports the international projects of kids to life.

In Unterhaching near Munich, the Foundation’s 16,000 m² pedagogic center for children and youths is used by more than 20 social institutions with over 3,000 children a year. It has a children’s workshop, a petting zoo with a variety of animals, sports fields, a climbing garden and two overnight accommodation houses.

Currently, kids to life is increasingly committed to refugee children, provides assistance to children from refugee camps, and organizes football camps for unaccompanied minor refugees and home children.

With the ever increasing number of children to be looked after, kids to life has come to its capacity limit. For this reason, the construction of a large kitchen has become indispensable in order to provide the children with meals. The Help Children Foundation also supports kids to life in this important project. In no other stage of life food is as important as in childhood. In the first ten years they learn the nutritional behavior, which forms the basis for their lifelong eating habits.

At kids to life the children are not only well-cared for, but learn a lot about different ingredients and recipes in cookery and baking workshops and acquire basic knowledge about different types of preparation. In a very playful way, a respectful handling of food is also conveyed.




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