Syria Jadal 2014

School lessons for 30 children in Jadal, Syria

With your generous donations we were able to support the project in Jadal. Since September, 30 Syrian children have been able to return to school. School materials, bus transport, teachers etc. are supported by the Help Children Foundation.

The project has among other things 2 tutors and a bus driver and works with 3 to partly 10 volunteers. 2 volunteers are constantly working on the coordination of the project. For the traumatized children, art therapy sessions were introduced which are very successful.

Please help us.

The Help Children Foundation supports Syrian mothers and their children in refugee camps. They urgently need medical help, accommodation and food. We are currently supporting the Syrian part of the Orient helpers and kids to life.

Help Children Foundation
Deutsche Bank, München
IBAN   DE26 7007 0010 0300 4033 00

Every cent is used in Syrian projects. Thank you for your support and your help.

Your Help Children Foundation.

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